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HEREI've always had a soft spot for luscious lamb leather, oversized darker than thou shades and the unholiest of holy four inch heels. Though this may seem like the attire of a dominatrix, I prefer to plainly call it 'bad ass' - a title I'd like to refer to my lifestyle as... only on weekends, of course. This badass style of mine thankfully adorns the creations of those lovely designers at Miss Sixty.
Branding in the 21st century is more important than ever. Within each household name holds a history behind it. Miss Sixty is a line of clothing that is part of the Sixty Group brand created in 1990 and then launched in 1991 (that including the ubiquitous Sixty, Energie, Killah, Murphy&NYE, Refrigiwear, Richlu, Kblost, Bandits du Monde and Baracuta - http://www.sixty.net) - synonymous for it's youthfulness and 'described as having a strong identity and versatile personality that distinguishes it from other clothing lines'.
Those young minded individuals who choose to portray the [Miss Sixty] image exude an off-beat, yet exciting aura to them - from their famous denim to recent runway collections, the people at Miss Sixty have been doing just that to cater to their clientele. And their clientele (with all fingers pointing to me) is one happy puppy.

Models who have represented the brand are Irina Lazareanu and Jessica Stam. Avid followers, include the most-recent frontrow-ers: Anne Hathaway, Chloƫ Sevigny, Ashley Olsen and Milla Jovovich.
My badassness continues with my most recent purchase of the Zonaida tote. An unexpected visit to the Sherway Gardens location led me to this purchase, as well as its exchange for the high waisted, medium washed denim, adorningly named "Mila" from Spring 2008 collection. No matter what cut you choose: high waisted, straight, regular fit or their sinful second skins, quality and a tickettotheoneyouwantinyourpants is what you're truly paying for.
The new collections can be found on the website
www.misssixty.com Here are my new pantalons, which if you're lucky, just might be found on your bedroom floor