After first hearing of the Roberto Cavalli for H&M launch some six months ago, me and a few other individuals have been oogling over sketches and previews via internet fashionista blogs. After about an hours wait with my lovely friends Ceejay & Demarco, the doors had finally opened. Lucky the Yorkville location was not too packed (in comparison to the Eaton Centre, or for that matter the megastore location in NYC with guest appearances by the man himself as well as Jessica Stam), we were able to snatch some of the goodies without fear of elbows in face. Trade offs were in full effect; one lovely lady, I must give recognition to, was nice enough to give me the chiffon snow gray leopard print halter dress in a size four (I LOVE YOU!!!!!) Thankfully I did not have to wait more than an hour nor have to throw a hissy fit (or get into a catfight) in order to get want I wanted.
Here's an image from one of the frenzies in the UK
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