as i struggle in the library to start writing my final paper for the school semester, the birds eye view of the Toronto Life [rainy] Square does nothing to stimulate my brain, or fingers for that matter. alas, i procrastinate and fill a temporary void by surfing the interweb findings have ensued utter loveliness and also have finally let me write about something, that of which is truly blogworthy.
it has been announced that Comme des Garcons will be collaborating with H&M to produce an affordable line for the working middle class (wo)man. Rei Kawakubo's avant-garde style is said to attract an older, more mature crowd versus the line-up of teeny boppers (except i) that awaited the cheetah printed pieces of crap (X my satin collared blazer) from the previous Roberto Cavalli for H&M line, that came out last Fall 2007.
more information can be found HERE and HERE
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