24 January 2009

my annual thang

listening to? LTJ Bukem - Kings of the Jungle PtII (we are not in a parallel universe)

1.) Where did you ring in 2009?
Top of the Burroughs Loft party at Queen/Bathurst

2.) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Single, and probably drunkie [with friends, of course] this night.

3.) Were you in school (anytime this year)?

4.) How did you earn your keep?
Insurance Company (i can't believe this answer is still here)

5.) Did you ever have to go to the hospital?

6.) Have you ever encountered the police?
Yes, when I got my first speeding ticket in May. Although, I won in court.

7.) Where did you go on vacation?
In order:  Montreal, London, UK, Montreal (again), Detroit, Calgary, Banff, Vancouver, Inveremere, Salmo, NYC

8.) What did you purchase that was over $500?
Expensive clothing.

9.) Did you know anybody who got married?

10.) Did you know anybody who passed away?

11.) Have you ran into anybody you graduated high school with?

12.) Did you move anywhere?
Not yet

13.) What sporting events did you go to?

14.) What concerts did you go to?
A lot. I should start keeping track. Most memorable? MS. ERYKAH BADU, baby.

15.) Are you registered to vote?
Mais oui!

16.) If so, did you do your patriotic duty on Nov. 7?

17.) Where do you live now?

18.) Describe your birthday.

19.) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2008?
Spend THAT much money

20.) What is one thing you regretted this year?
There are a few things that are to be left unmentioned.

21.) What's something you learned about yourself?
I would rather always be busy than be bored out of my mind.

22.) Any new additions to your family?
Not that I know of.

23.) What was your best month(s)?
This past (lovely) summer flew by. My time in London was the best.

24.) What from pop culture will you remember 2008 by?
Heath Ledgers death, OBAMAAMAMAMAMAMMMMA, LL becoming a lesbian, the rise of Alexander Wang

25.) How would you rate this year with a scale from 1 (shitty) to 10 (excellent)?

1 comment:

Karina said...

hm, how would i rate this past year? considering that i broke up with my fiance and that was emotionally shitty, the year would be a 5. however, amazing travel, educational successes, and a new assortment of super friends brings it up to a 9. that last point goes to lonely nights with poetry and tears :)
