01 August 2008

The Wild, Wild West ...of Canada - Day 2

My first day was spent in Calgary. Did a little shopping and enjoyed some Chinese food but was deathly jet lagged due to a very screwed up sleep schedule, therefore let us just proceed to day two:

The air is crisp in the morning here in Banff and even more so when the sun finally sets (that being at 23:00MST). My fingers are fine now, but the veins in my hands are just gaining back the flow of blood. I have just completed my first nature walk along the Bow Trail. The photos I have taken do not do any justice nor can words even explain the wondrous beauty that is The Canadian Rockies. I take no regret in staying fairly sober my first night on the town this evening prior, as I would not have been able to enjoy this day as much as I already have.
Here, all seem friendly. The nights in 'town' are full of intoxicated young hooligans roaming the streets, this including: the locals, the French, and all those who work in town and are from everywhere BUT.
So much more to see and explore, still so many friends to make, but most importantly still so many memories to create.

Interesting things about the Banff National Park (in which the Fairmont residences are located, and where I am situated) can be read here and information about the Canadian Rockies can be found here.

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